Friday, 23 December 2011

On the 12th day of Christmas, my trainer gave to me...

Day 12. The last day of this run of posts, I've enjoyed doing them. I realised a couple of things,

1. I need to be better organised than I was, I had planned these posts but should have thought them through a bit better and

2. I really need to get better at this writing thing! But hey, I'm a personal trainer not a writer!

Anyways, for the last day, I've got a 12 round circuit for you. I used this with my bootcamp guys on Monday as an end of year/ happy Christmas for me workout! They did me proud!

The exercises:

1. 10 sec plank
2. 10 sec side plank (each side)
3. Divebomber pushup
4. Inchworm
5. Glute bridges
6. Pushups
7. McGill crunch
8. Bird dogs (4 each side)
9. Squat jumps
10. Jumping Jacks
11. Burpees
12. Reverse lunge (6 each side - I was feeling generous...)

The circuit:

Do round 1 - 10 sec plank

Round 2 - 10 sec plank each side, 10 sec front plank

Round 3 - 3 Divebomber pushups, 10s side plank each side, 10s front plank.

Round 4  - 4 Inchworms, 3 divebomber pushups, 10 s side planks, 10s front plank.

Round 5 - You get the idea...

Do these with as little rest as possible between rounds right up till you complete the 12th round.

Great quick blast for you midweek if you are looking for something quick and intense to get you through the mind numbing and endless re-runs of crappy movies and Christmas specials...

Hope everyone has an amazing Christmas!

Stay healthy.

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