Monday, 20 February 2012

The Linkz 19th Feb 2012

Another week is about to begin! Hopefully you've had a great weekend and are ready to totally dominate the week ahead!

To help you out and keep you learning and motivated, I present this weeks Linkz!!

Mike Robertson kicks things off with a look at stretches

Eric Cressey had been getting his learn on in 2011.

Molly Galbraith on cheating or not...with food that is...

Getting long and strong with Tony Gentilcore

Jen Comas Keck on the importance of Recovery, thats with a Capital "R", cause its important!

Nia Shanks talks eating habits and triggers.

Jim Smith on warmups and foam rollers

And follows it with some inspiration, awesome read!

Great article from Duncan Ogilvie  on the misconceptions around female training

Jonathan Goodman with a glimpse into his desk...

Badass Roger Law on challenges

Another great post from Jen Comas Keck on the food police and making choices.

Charles Poloquin on 10 factors to live longer and stronger

Dean Somerset on getting crazy prison fit...

Todd Hargrove on the myths surrounding toning.

Martin Rooney wants to know if you love Mondays?

There we have it, go, read, learn!

Have an awesome week.

Stay healthy!

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