Saturday, 21 May 2011

Exercises to keep you strong through the end of the world!

So assuming that the world doesn't end tonight, I've put together a list of my favourite exercises that I've been using over the last few months and would heartily recommend to most healthy individuals looking to get stronger. I've found these a great addition to my training and you might too!

What a great place to begin! Blondie first! I love squats,  and I'm not talking monster weight, partial rep ones either. I'm talking ass to grass, don't talk to me about going below parallel is bad for your knees. Nothing feels as good as getting a load on the bar (front loading is my preference but if you like it on your back, that's cool too, although Mike Boyle may disagree...) and getting deep into the hole and powering back up. Kinda puts all those partial reppers in their place!

Now, on to the deadlift. I must admit I'm kind of new to the deadlift. I didn't really realise the true kick ass nature of the deadlift until I really started to read more on the blogs I follow (see the side bar...) Once I got started on them, I couldn't stop! Fantastic for strengthening the whole of the posterior chain. Just make sure, as with the squats that you use proper technique, otherwise major ouchies can occur!

Bench press... the last of the big 3. Get yourself a good base and go to work with the load. Use pins or a spotter when you get up towards your higher percentage weights (just don't let him turn you into a "its all you! ITS ALL YOU!! type!)

 Pretty much any pulling variation. So many guys end up with horrible posture, wrecked shoulders, albeit great pecs!) I try to aim for a 2:1 pulling: pushing ratio. You have to make sure that you work the upper back, traps, lats, posterior delts etc in order to maintain muscular balance. Inverted row, in a power rack or on a TRX, or as a chest supported row and seated cable rows are all good options. Just keep your shoulder blades back and down and your good to go.

Pull ups and chin ups. Nothing beats blasting out multiple reps on these. Most people can't do more than a couple of these with good technique, but these will really work your upper back.

Single leg work. I love lunge variations. I have found I really enjoy TRX rear foot elevated split squats (particularly loaded ones)

That'll do it for now... I'll follow this with the accessory lifts, warmups and core training techniques I use.

You can find me on  Facebook (dave ballantine) or Twitter.

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