Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Exam time is coming...

Hey all. This past week has been a week of lots of study, I've got my Level 3 personal training theory, practical and programming exams on Sat in Glasgow. So needless to say, I've been spending a load of time making sure I'm prepared as well as possible for that.

Just to make live a little more challenging, I am going to be doing my nutrition theory and client evaluation components on the same day! No, I'm not totally crazy, it just so happens that my best friend is getting married on the day I was planning for the nutrition section and the only other day available is this Saturday coming! Fortunately I've already been through all the course notes for the nutrition sections, and done a load of extra reading on the topics, so I'm pretty confident in being able to get it all done!

Needless to say, with all that extra study and prep, as well as some other stuff going on, I've not been as dedicated in my training. Ok ok, I've sucked at it. only been in twice in 10 days! I'm a bad person, sorry.
However, I look on it as being a necessary break in training, as everything I want to do career-wise is dependent on getting qualified. I'll be back at it as off Sunday. Gonna go back to the start of Eric Cresseys "Maximum Strength" section 2 and get it going again.

 So bear with me for one more week, and I'll be back and posting more here as well as on facebook and twitter, with any and all interesting content that I find, as well as keeping you all updated on the life and times of the newest personal trainer in Edinburgh!

Heres a couple of links to keep you going till then!

Prof Stuart McGill shows us how to train the core without messing up your spine!

Lee Boyce shows us some cool diagnostic tests.

Tony Gentilcore looks at some awful diet advice in his own hilarious style.

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