Friday, 13 January 2012

The LInkz - Friday the 13th edition!

Friday the 13th, bad luck day - if you happen to believe in that sort of stuff...

Anyways... on with this weeks links to excellent stuff!

First up, a great 2 parter from Eric Cressey on how much rotator cuff training is too much? Parts 1 and 2.

Nick Tumminello on a critical mistake in corrective exercise.

Tony Gentilcore on the differences between box squats and squatting to a box.

A couple from Mike Robertson, 1st - 3 reasons he returned to power lifting and then 5 tips on how to do less in 2012, but enjoy more!

A great coaching tip from Zach Moore at iFast

An inspiring post from Jason Ferruggia.

Some great exercises you've never tried from Ben Bruno

What the efff from Dean Somerset, followed with the 80/20 principle for programme design.

John Romaniello on 3 hormones important when addressing fatloss.

Chad Waterbury asks if you should bench?

Jen Grasso has some bison meatloaf for ya!

You eat loads right? No you don't, Chris Carter tells you what a natural bodybuilder eats in a day.

Not fitness related, but I got a lot out of this older post from Carl Kingdom on introverts.

Jonathan Goodman on gym etiquette and the NO LIFT ZONE!

Hope you enjoy these and learn something, even a little thing, from these!

Stay healthy.

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