Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Linkz 2nd October 2011

Hi all,

Its been a great week, we were down near Cambridge visiting my sister and her family. Had an awesome time with my nephew who is almost 2 and becoming a real character!
Anyway, I didn't have a lot of time for reading, but thats not to say I didnt get any done, as it turns out 2 year olds don't tend to sleep late!

First off, Zach Moore has a great post on using mixed grips

Over at Alwyn Cosgroves' site, he looks at diet vs exercise for fat loss.

I really enjoy Bret Contreras posts, super smart and easy to read too, Here is the RKC plank.

Great post from Martin Berkhan on a major problem in so many gyms these days...

A great 3 part (and counting?) series from Tony Gentilcore, Mistakes skinny guys make part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Jason Ferruggia shares some great tips from the Iron Guru himself, Vince Gironda

Some reading suggestions from Nick Grantham.

Interesting article by James Heathers on T-Nation on muscle dysmorphia

Thats your lot for this week, read, learn, enjoy.

Stay healthy.

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