Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The core issue...

I get asked at least half a dozen times a week, "Dave, what kind of crunches/ situps/ voodoo magic can I do to get the 6-pack I dream of?"

(image: Sloananderson.blogspot.com)

So then I start to talk about situps being a waste of space, risking your back to train a movement that isn't recreated in normal day to day life... I mean, the only crunch type movement I do everyday is getting out of bed. Even then its a fairly vague similarity...

So then it begins...

Them, "So, em, what should I do?"

Me,"Well, first off, you have train your core like its designed to work."


Me,"Your core is designed to resist extension (rectus abdominus -the 6 pack muscle), lateral flexion (internal and external obliques) and rotation (the whole core, rectus abdominus, obliques and transverse abdominus), so you should be training to resist those types of movements. Oh, and drop that packet of biscuits, start eating better and drop your body fat so you can actually see what, if any, muscle you have."

Them,"So, what kind of crunches should I be doing?"

I can totally understand where they are coming from, I mean, that  used to be my way of training my core. I was always crunching away. Crunches, side crunches, feet elevated situps, weighted situps... the list goes on, because thats the way I was told it was done.


Evidence from Dr Stuart McGill)has shown that repeated spinal flexion, ie situps, crunches etc can have a detrimental effect on your spine, watch this video....

So, if not crunches or situps, then what do you do for that six pack you dream of having? Well, there are 2 parts to your humble quest:
1. Get the muscle, and
2. Show the muscle.

The first part is done with the proper training.

Anti-extension (resisting any extension in your lumbar spine) - Plank, TRX fallouts, ab wheel rollouts.
Anti-Rotation (resisting rotation at your lumbar spine) - Pallof presses (standing and half kneeling)
Anti-Lateral extension (resisting bending to the side at your lumbar spine) - 1 sided farmer carries, 1 arm waiter carries, kettlebell windmills.

Always check proper form with any of these exercises as bad technique will negate any pluses these have! (Im working on my own video clips for all these and more, but it'll take time, in the mean time, check out Nick Tumminello, Mike Robertson and any of the other great coaches out there for demonstrations on youtube!)

So, now you've fixed your core, its strong and you know there is a kick ass set of abs but there is still not even a glimmer of your dreamed of 6 pack...

I heard a great analogy from Leigh Peele (she of Body by Eats, The Fat Loss Troubleshoot and some awesome nutritional info on the Fitcast )

"Imagine your mid section is like a bed, if you have a thick duvet, (fat) covering it, then you can't see any definition. If you strip that duvet away, and replace it with a sheet (thinner fat layer, 8-12%) then definition will show through. If there is no appreciable muscle though, then there can be no 6 pack."

Now that is not exactly word for word, but you get the point. There are 2 factors involved in amazing 6 pack-ery. Muscle mass and low body fat.

Since we've got the muscle part down, lets talk about the fat loss. Generally speaking, guys need to be down around the 10% mark and ladies around 15% before your abs show through, so getting your 6 pack is gonna be a full body transformation.

A clean diet, lower carbs and higher protein is gonna be the answer for most folks. (This is a whole post in itself, so I'm gonna keep this very general. I'll come back with more specific suggestions in another post).

Calories in vs calories out is also hugely important, excess calories, those not burnt through activity, are stored as fat. If you are storing fat, muscle definition, abs or elsewhere, is not happening, so you have to burn more then you consume to ensure a caloric deficit. Caloric deficit, assuming protein:carb:fat ratios are good, and your nutrition is all good (big assumption I know!) means a lower body fat % and you are into a state of abs-a-poppin!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Linkz 17th October 2011

Here we go once again with the best of the article, blogs and videos I've looked at, learned from and been inspired by over the last couple of weeks!

Its been a little while since I've done one of these, but I've been in desperate need of my time management skills which have totally deserted me! But I'm back on top of most things now, and you'll forgive me right? Right?

Here we go...

Nate Green studies how the meathead has evolved and how to recognise one...

Tony Gentilcore teaches the neutral spine, Parts 1 and 2

Jason Ferruggia has a great training tip, you should definitely listen up.

Bret Contreras with some awesome glute exercises from the men, and the ladies.

Great post from Mike Robertson on taking action.

Something i need to work on, Brian St Pierre on time management, Part 1 and Part 2.

Great training tips from Ben Bruno on T-Nation. 

Chad Waterbury on how to build any muscle group. Curious to try out the Boxer drill...

An incredibly brave article from Nia Shanks on her experiences with disordered eating. Read this.

Followed with her great Beautiful Badass Nutrition and training principles. Definitely read these!

Jen Comas Keck with a review from the Girls Gone Strong weekend. I know guys who dont train this hard, and they wonder why they arent getting anywhere. Everyone should train with this awesomeness!

Alli McKee with an update and more on Girls Gone Strong.

Another member of Girls Gone Strong, Neghar Fonooni on food as fuel.

G.G.S. member Molly Galbraith on dealing with Hashimotos disease

John Romaniello on learning from Arnold

Great post from Mark Crook, client at Jason Ferruggias Renegade gym, I wish more people felt this way about training.

And with that, I'll leave you to read, enjoy, learn and hopefully be inspired....

Stay healthy.

Sunday, 13 November 2011


So another week is about to begin...and you have 2 choices.

You can either get sucked into that soul destroying mind fart that signals the end of the weekend, the end of your great weekend away from work and all the day to day drudgery that is about to begin.


You could use it as the start of something new, something that changes the way you see the world and how it sees you. If you aren't happy at what life is throwing your way, pick it up, throw it back and decide what you want.

It doesn't have to be a grand, sweeping change to every aspect of your world and the parts that piss you off, but change something. Start small, let it snowball. Its addictive!

You dont like your job? Well, what would you like to do? Think about what you really want to do, then take some time to find out what you need to do to get there. Talk to the people doing what you are interested in, how did they get there? What is needed to do what they do?

You want to get fitter, change your shape? Go to the gym, look at the people you want to look like, learn what is needed and go to work! Hire a trainer, even if its to get you started on your way, they know what they are talking about (mostly...) and do what they ask of you.

Want to learn something new? Find out what classes are available, research what books are the best, look for blogs, articles and whatever else is necessary to take the steps towards where you want to be.

The information you need, and the people you will need to talk to, for whatever you want to do is out in the world already. The internet isn't just for porn anymore, everything you need to know can be found, if, you take the time to look and know what you are looking for.

The point I'm trying (fairly uneloquently, I'm a personal trainer after all, not a writer, although it is something I want to improve at!), is that you have the ability to change your world and take control of it. You just need to decide to do it.

So, go and think about what you want, set your goals, then break those big goals into smaller ones. Then break those down into even smaller ones. Then pick one, any one, and get it done.  Feels good right?

Keep on ticking off all those little goals, one at a time, take all the time you need to accomplish them but no more time than you need. That will lead into all sorts of delay tactics to get out of doing what is necessary! Before you know it, you are ticking off the big goals and you have made change happen!

Now, I am not saying its gonna be easy, god knows its isn't (from experience I know it can be tough, it takes you right out of your comfort zone and you have got to be consistent) but it sure as hell is worth it!

So go away, write down those goals, put them somewhere you will see them every single day. Tell your nearest and dearest about them, make them hold you accountable for achieving your goals. And go change your world.

I have every faith in you.

Stay healthy.