Friday, 6 July 2012

Need to get back to blogging!

Soooo..... Long time, no chat!

I've really been pretty damn poor when it comes to maintaining this here blog. Not really got a good excuse, just been busy at the gym, trying to build a client base and keeping on top of everything that needs doing!

But here I am, back again. Ive been working hard to try to block my time better and build better structure into my days. The better I am at doing this, the more time I can free up to do what I'd like to be doing. Not always easy, but worth putting the effort in for!

I thought I'd put down a few thoughts and get the ball rolling on this again.

1. While most people in the gym are looking for fatloss, most are going about it entirely the wrong way. Endless hours on cardio, then the girls go half heartedly lifting teeny tiny weights for endless reps so they dont get bulky and guys do endless bicep curls.


If its fat loss you are chasing, you need to lift something heavy enough to challenge you for around 8 - 12 reps, for 10 to 12 total sets, then finish with some kind of interval training. You'll create a fat burning sh!t storm that will last for hours after you finish your training session.

And for the love of all that is holy, tidy up your diet!

2. Mirrors should be banned from the gym floor. If I see another semi-ripped dude lift his shirt to check to see if his ripped abz are still there, I'm gonna hit him with something...

3. Lots of people don't really understand what Personal Trainers actually do. No we don't stand over you shouting at you to do 1 more rep! with some random exercise selection thatll get you nowhere while we pocket your hard earned cash.
We motivate, encourage, guide, congratulate and help you correct all the imbalances you have whilst creating a better, stronger, leaner and generally more awesome version of you!

Not so good, its this type of thing that give us a bad name...

4. Time management is important, regardless of what you do. The more planning you do for your days, the more time you will free up. Sounds odd but its absolutely true! Plan your day, stick to it and enjoy the freedom it'll create. I would highly recommend Craig Ballantines' Time Management ebook. Some great tips in there and I have no issue recommending it highly!

5. I've been stalling on some of my lifts, deadlifts have plateaued at 175kg, squats are brutal, bench is stalled at 100kg for 4 and my military press is shameful. What to do? Jim Wendlers 5, 3, 1. Thats what. 1 week in and all is going well so far. That said, I'm only 1 week in...we'll see where it leads but its forcing me to evaluate my weeknesses and start attacking them.

6. When it comes to fat loss, 2 factors matter more than anything:

Intensity over duration...every single time!

and, Nutrition

And thats it. For now....I am gonna try to be better at posting to here.

In the meanwhile,

Stay Healthy.